Prepare to Help Others With a Biochemistry Career
If you’re trying to decide between majoring in biology or chemistry, a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry may be the perfect fit for you. 生物化学使你能够将学到的化学原理应用于细胞和有机体层面的生物学.
对于计划进入医学领域或继续读研究生的学生来说,生物化学是一个受欢迎的选择. 主修生物化学将使你具备从事医学工作所需的专业知识, pharmacy, and industry.
At Concordia, 生物化学专业的学生也有独特的机会从历史和哲学的角度来研究科学. This will add to your understanding of why science calls things true.
生物化学专业的学生——以及康考迪亚大学所有自然科学专业的学生——将会看到科学如何引导人们更好地理解上帝的创造, His love for His creation, and ultimately of the Creator Himself as He makes Himself known in His creation.
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