
Liberal Arts Major





  • Liberal Arts Core
  • 39-44 Units
  • 艺术311:艺术史1
  • 3

这是一门从史前时期到文艺复兴时期的西方艺术概览课程, 采用图文并举的讲座, 独立研究, museum visits, and discussion. 这门课在春季学期每隔一年开一次.


  • 艺术312:艺术史II
  • 3

This course is a survey of Western art from the Renaissance up to the 20th century 采用图文并举的讲座, 独立研究, 参观及讨论博物馆. 这门课在春季学期每隔一年开一次.

  • 曾201:世界文学到文艺复兴
  • 3

This course will focus on critical thinking and research-based writing through comparative and interdisciplinary analysis. 除了讲课和课堂讨论, 对古代西方和非西方文学代表作的研究, the Middle Ages, 文艺复兴则强调文学, cultural, 以及这些文本的宗教意义. Co-requisite: CHST 201; permission from Academic Advising is needed to take CENG 201 作为一个无关联的课程.

  • 跨文化交际
  • 3

Social and cultural variables in speech communication processes and strategies for resolving communication problems in intercultural settings with an emphasis on variables such as perception, roles, language codes, 非语言交际也将在本课程中进行研究.

  • HST 410: Mythology
  • 3

对古典时代的接受取决于古人告诉自己的故事, 以及它们在后来的时间和地点的解释和重新刻写. This course traces the debt moderns owe to the earliest recorded stories that shaped civilizations, both to appreciate the stories in their own historical context as well as consider the responses (both those that identify with antiquity and those that assume its alienation) of succeeding eras, culminating in critical consideration of contemporary cultural evocation of the classical tradition. Prerequisite: CHST 201 or CHST 202 or HST 201.

  • HUM 495:高级项目(1-3个单元)
  • 1

在这个顶点课程中,学生将与教师每周见面一次,以便制定, research, 并为他们的书面项目讨论一个合适的主题. 主题必须是跨学科的, 将本专业的重点与本专业的其他学科相结合. 前提条件:文科专业和高年级.

  • MUS 352:世界文化音乐-或- MUS 482:音乐文化:基督教音乐表达
  • 3

MUS 352: Music of World Cultures - This course will introduce students to the study of music as a universal cultural phenomenon and the discipline of ethnomusicology with exposure to the musical and social aspects of folk, traditional, 以及亚洲地区的艺术音乐, Africa, Middle East, Europe, Latin America, and North America. 鼓励有音乐经验,但不是必需的.


MUS 482:音乐文化:音乐表达在基督教-这门课程将调查的作用, development, and function of music in the Christian church from its roots in the Old Testament to the present day, 注意圣经, theological, social, 文化方面的考虑. 提供隔年.

  • rel321:世界宗教
  • 3

这门关于世界主要非基督教宗教的概览课程将包括主题, belief patterns, ritual and worship, ethics, social patterns, 起源与发展, 还有圣典.

  • THR 251:戏剧导论
  • 3

本课程将提供各种惯例的概述, forms, styles, 以及戏剧的类型, 包括戏剧分析原理和从戏剧角度探讨戏剧批评, literary, 以及通过对代表性戏剧的主题讨论而获得的文化视角. 必要的实地考察可能需要额外收费.

  • 运动科学重点
  • 18 Units
  • KIN 225:重量训练和交叉训练的原则
  • 3

A theory to practice approach to strength training and aerobic cross training methods will be examined in this course as students learn how to test, design, 实施运动健身力量训练和有氧交叉训练项目. Prerequisite: KIN majors and minors only; non-KIN majors and minors must have consent of department chair.

  • kin304:运动学习和控制
  • 3

This course will give an overview of significant behavioral theories which influence and determine the learning and production of motor skills. Included will be learning theories and motor control theories as well as application of theory to motor performance.

  • kin325:运动测试和处方
  • 3

This is a National Council of Strength and Fitness (NCSF) approved course for those who want advanced personal training certification. Topics will include functional anatomy; health and fitness screening and assessment; cardiovascular assessment and prescription; strength and power assessment and prescription; nutrition and weight management. Prerequisite: KIN 225 或者系主任同意.

  • 从以下课程中选择三门:
  • KIN 305:运动发展
  • 3

This course will study motor skills and physical development from birth to adulthood with an emphasis on infancy, childhood, 青春期包括神经学, physiological, intellectual, social, 以及影响粗大和精细运动活动的情绪因素.

  • KIN 306:营养科学
  • 3

This course will explore issues pertinent to the study of health and nutrition for the active individual. This course will analyze concepts and controversies and will emphasize the importance of research and clinical studies in the current nutritional literature. Students will also examine and discuss key concepts concerning the role of nutrition in overall health and well-being for a healthy lifestyle.

  • KIN 307:运动与老年学
  • 3

This course is will explore the latest evidence-based research on the effects of aging and will familiarize students with the physiological impacts of aging as it relates to the decline in physical development, 心血管和肺功能, 肌肉的力量和力量. This course will also introduce the effects of declining motor skills as well as other physical-psychosocial relationships associated with aging.

  • KIN 330:生活方式、医学和健康
  • 3

This course will explore the research evidence for lifestyle effects on health and wellness including; nutrition, fluids, physical activity, stress, depression, happiness, sleep, pain management, and addiction; issues in health literacy; lifestyle effects on behavior change and motivation; and the role of lifestyle on chronic disease. Students will learn an alternative way of understanding health and health care compared to the typical pay-for-service or caring for the sick health care model.

  • KIN 344:保健和保健方案
  • 3

This course covers the design and implementation of worksite health promotion programs and the benefits these programs have for both employees and employers. Students will review various health risk appraisals and plan theory-based incentive programs designed to promote positive lifestyles. Opportunities for learning behavior change models and methods will be provided through wellness coaching sessions.

  • KIN 364: Exercise Psychology
  • 3

This course will focus on the psychological understanding of exercise behavior through the examination of psychological, psycho-physiological, and social factors that influence physical activity participation and performance; how participating in physical activity and exercise affect psychological well-being; and the theoretical, methodological, 以及与运动心理学相关的各种主题的应用方法.

  • KIN 393:实习:运动学
  • 3

这门课是实践性的, 与学生专业直接相关的课外实践经验, 辅修课程或专业课程是对学生学术经验的有益补充. 提供通过/无通过课程.

Current students, please note: The requirements listed here may not reflect the most current courses for this major and may not be the requirements for the catalog year you are following to complete your major. 请参阅 Academic Catalog 对于官方要求,你必须符合资格获得学位.

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